筆電+Waves Nx,立即實現四大優勢:
四、可整合Waves Soundgrid系統實現演出時的高保真、高品質個人耳機監聽。
Make Your Studio Mobile with Waves Nx
Audio (electro) acoustics is a branch of science which studies the behavior of sound and vibration. It is the application of acoustics and technology. Acoustical engineers are typically concerned with the design, analysis and control of sound. Acoustically treated rooms don’t come cheap, and you can’t take your acoustically treated room on the road with you. However, these days, technology has made some things possible which were unimaginable just a couple of decades ago. Be sure to check out Waves Nx – Virtual Mixing Room.
原文引用出處 https://soundbridge.io/mobile-studio-waves-nx/

Waves Nx 特點:
Head Tracking – 可配備專用的頭部追蹤器: Nx Head Tracker。或電腦攝影機。
Tracking Rate – 可輸入頭部方位追蹤的更新速率(設定值應至少為20)
Sweet Spot – 錨定最佳聆聽位置,應依據當前混音師/錄音師/錄音室樂手所感覺最佳的頭部方位角度。

Room Ambience – 房間空間感,依據個人需要,可調整一次、二次,乃至多次的反射音的總量。
輸入為5.0/5.1/7.1環繞多聲道配置時 輸入為mono單聲道/stereo雙聲道配置時
Speaker Position – 喇叭位置,可定義虛擬喇叭的位置(相應於中央混音師的對稱寬度),依據輸入格式而有Mono、Stereo、5.0、5.1、7.1等多種喇叭佈局設定。
Head Modeling – 頭部建模!!! 客製化混音師的HRTF濾波,這非常非常重要~~~

Headphone EQ – 可選擇是否啟用耳機優化預設,依據不同廠牌型號( 陸續會有更多型號加入 )。

支援Ambisonics 3D格式 – 可輸入AmbiX 1st Order B格式的Ambisoncis訊號,監聽Ambisonics 3D混音。